Praimfaya Fest is a small metal festival hosted bij JH Sojo in Kessel-Lo, Leuven. Because of an ad on Facebook, I received the opportunity to photograph the event. The music was a nice mix of groovy metal to doomy sounds. Lots of guitar shredding, heavy drum banging and vocal cords getting pushed to the limit. A small selection of my favourite shots of the evening.

next: Aufhebung

next: Turpentine Valley
(I'd like to add here that the lighting conditions for this band were extremely tough so I opted for more artsy shots)

next: Mother
- fun (?) coïncidence happened. This event was on the night before Mother's Day. Mother started playing right before midnight. Most people know about my superstition with mom still being around and stuff. So when photographing the final act of the evening, there were loads of emotions flowing. The place, by this time, was full-on buzzing and I cannot with any words explain to you how beautiful this experience was -

It was also during the set of Mother that I took my three favourite photos. A massive shout-out to this unknown young man who was my temporary muse for the evening.

Special thanks to Rani, organiser of Praimfaya. JH Sojo to provide a stage.
The bands and their music.
Aufhebung - Turpentine Valley - Mother
The other people working there for a warm welcome.
The bands and their music.
Aufhebung - Turpentine Valley - Mother
The other people working there for a warm welcome.
If you'd like to read a detailed review (in Dutch), head over to Brothers In Raw.