Because I thoroughly believe that the most mundane of humans of today will be the extraordinary ones of tomorrow. Which I am experiencing. Quite cool. Those two portrait sessions were also growth experiences because of how much "winging" they took. Couldn't have done it without their input.
--------------- Sarah ---------------
Met in Inverness and she came to visit where I live now. We had one morning (2hrs) to come up with a concept, outfit, make-up and hair ànd take the photos with the right lighting setup. Final result.

taken in Runkst, Hasselt using an Ikea desklight and natural light (top photo), temperature settings are off on purpose — nov, 2022
--------------- Hade ---------------
"I wanna do something crazy. Can we do this?" Yes, we can. So, we did.

taken in a lake somewhere in Limburg, wasps were all around and scared the shit out of me, natural light, edit in LR — aug 2022